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Blogs by Nutritionists

Health Benefits of Peanut Butter

by True Elements 28 Jul 2023

Nut Butter is booming in the food industry. Irrespective of age,  everyone is in love with Nut Butters especially Peanut Butter as it is easy to use and super affordable.

Peanut Butter is one of the popular Spreads. It is not only Rich in Healthy Fats but Good Source of Protein, Low in Carbohydrates, and has good amounts of Antioxidants, vitamins B3, B6, Biotin, Iron, Folate, Magnesium, Zinc, etc.

Peanut butter is a relatively unprocessed food. It’s basically just roasted peanuts that are ground until they turn into a paste. Ingredients like salt, jaggery or dark chocolate are usually added to make it even more palatable, tastier, delicious and kid-friendly.

Potential Health Benefits of Peanut Butter:


  1.  Peanuts are packed with healthy fats and protein. They help in keeping you full for longer hours which keeps your evening hunger pangs in control. This reduces the risk of overeating and it directly helps in weight management.
  2. Peanuts contain Oleic Acid and help improves Insulin Sensitivity i.e. Lowers your Blood Sugar Levels. It is a good option for Type-2 Diabetes as they are Low in Carbs too.
  3. Peanut butter also contains Omega-6 fatty acids. This fatty acid helps to lower Bad Cholesterol (LDL) levels and increases protective cholesterol (HDL) Levels improving your Heart Health.
  4. Peanuts are a great source of antioxidants like manganese, Vitamin E, and Vitamin B these prevent, and repair cell damage in the body. This effect can reduce your risk of chronic diseases like cancer.

How to include Peanut Butter in your Daily Diet:

On average, 1 to 2 Tbsp of Peanut Butter can be consumed every day in the following ways:

  • Spreading Peanut butter on rice cakes / whole grain bread and top with banana slices.
  • Adding a spoonful of Peanut butter to smoothies to make them more filling.
  • Dipping apple and pear slices into peanut butter for an easy snack.
  • Stirring peanut butter into yoghurts or warm oatmeal.
  • Adding Peanut Butter to your Cupcakes, Pancakes, Waffles etc.

The market is flooded with so many different brands of Peanut Butter. So one question that remains is "Which Peanut Butter should you consume?"

Here are the Top 5 Reasons why I trust and opt for True Elements Peanut Butter Jaggery and True Elements Dark Chocolate:

  1. It contains No emulsifiers/ artificial sweeteners/ preservatives
  2. It is completely devoid of palm oil or vegetable oil
  3. It contains 30% less fat content as compared to other brands
  4. It has no Whey protein isolate the protein you get is ONLY from peanuts.
  5. It is a good source of protein, healthy fats and fibre.

Who should avoid Peanut Butter?

People who are allergic to Peanuts, Soy, and Gluten and suffer from Thyroid Conditions.

Bottom Line:

As Peanut butter is Highly Nutritious but at the same time it is High in Calories consuming it in Moderate Amounts is the safest way to prevent overeating.

Authored By: Milonii Nandu

  • Clinical Nutritionist
  • MS.c. in Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics
  • Certified Diabetes Educator
  • Government Certified Naturopath.

Miloni is a Clinical Nutritionist, Yoga Artist and Naturopath. Her qualifications range from B.Sc & MS.c. in Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics, Certified Yoga Instructor for Beginners and Housewives, Certified Diabetes Educator, Government Certified Naturopath. She has been working Globally as an Online Consultant in the field of Health & Fitness over past 4 years now. Women who have PCOS, Infertility, Pregnancy Stage, Women with Skin and Hair Issues, Thyroid and Diabetes are her main areas of focus. She believes in helping her clients overcome their Health Issues in a Sustainable way. She sees to it that diet doesn't make people starve rather they enjoy the Process which will help them to build a Healthy Relationship with Food and their Body.

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