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Blogs by Nutritionists

Chia Seeds : Raw vs Roasted

by True Elements 16 Aug 2023

One of the most popular seeds we hear of nowadays is Chia Seeds. They are popularly considered as a “superfood” as they deliver a massive amount of massive amount of benefits such as weight loss, controlling diabetes with very few calories. The name Chia itself means “Strength” which a person gets from eating these tiny seeds. With the changing lifestyle and an increase in awareness of health and food, people are adopting chia seeds very quickly. Also since they are easily available, people are incorporating these seeds into their daily routine.

Chia seeds are considered to be a great source of healthy fat, protein, fibre, iron, and antioxidants. They also help in keeping the blood sugar in control. They have many benefits but they need to be eaten correctly. Well, Chia seeds are generally consumed raw or by roasting. But choosing which is the best way is still a dilemma for most people.

Many people eat the chia seeds in a raw form but the raw form is not really ideal. Chia seeds have a tendency to expand with water which results in better benefits. To get all the benefits, one must eat chia seeds either by soaking them in water or milk or by adding them to smoothies and shakes. In short, they can be consumed raw but are more beneficial if they are soaked.

Roasted Chia seeds can be used directly for various recipes be it smoothies, salad dressings, granola bars. They can even be used as breadcrumbs for binding or as a topping in your cake. The roasted chia has the same nutritional value as the raw one but there is no soaking required. Roasting also brings out the naturally nutty taste in these seeds.

Though both are beneficial if eaten in the right way. You can have raw seeds but with water and you can have roasted seeds along with different recipes. True elements tend to offer both varieties so that you can have a super healthy lifestyle. Check out: Raw Chia & Roasted Chia.

There are various properties of Chia seeds that make them extremely unique and help people to have healthy options along with the hectic lifestyle. It helps to improve the immunity, skin, digestion, and have a healthy heart by just consuming one tablespoon daily either in raw form or in roasted form. Start having these small miracles as they will surely bring a change in your health.

Roasted Chia seeds can be used directly for various recipes be it smoothies, salad dressings, granola bars. They can even be used as breadcrumbs for binding or as a topping in your cake. The roasted chia has the same nutritional value as the raw one but there is no soaking required. Roasting also brings out the naturally nutty taste in these seeds.

Though both are beneficial if eaten in the right way. You can have raw seeds but with water and you can have roasted seeds along with different recipes. True elements tend to offer both varieties so that you can have a super healthy lifestyle. Check out: Raw Chia & Roasted Chia.

There are various properties of Chia seeds that make them extremely unique and help people to have healthy options along with the hectic lifestyle. It helps to improve the immunity, skin, digestion, and have a healthy heart by just consuming one tablespoon daily either in raw form or in roasted form. Start having these small miracles as they will surely bring a change in your health.

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