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Blogs by Nutritionists

Healthy Fats and Yummy Seeds

by True Elements 29 Sep 2023

Fat is an essential nutrient for the normal functioning of the body. Just like other nutrients such as carbohydrates and proteins, it also plays an important role in the Healthy maintenance of the body. All Fats are not bad including good fat in the right quantity is the key to a healthy body. 

Dietary fats are of two types: Good Fats and Bad Fats. 
Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are healthy fats and are essential for the body's healthy functioning.

Benefits of Healthy Fats include-  
• Improves metabolism
• Reduces the risk of heart disease and blood pressure.
• Prevention of atherosclerosis.
• Reduces LDL and triglyceride levels and improves HDL levels.

Adding healthy fats to the diet can help improve the overall palatability of meals and improve meal satisfaction, which in turn helps in reducing the amount of calorie intake and thereby promoting weight loss.


Healthy fats foods  include Avocados, Almonds, Walnuts, Flaxseeds, Chia seeds, Pumpkin seeds, Sunflower seeds, Olive oil, Eggs, Fatty fishes. Regular Consumption of these Healthy and Delicious seeds in your diet can improve the quality of your meals. 

Chia Seeds  

Chia seeds are a rich source of omega-3 and antioxidants and are also a good source of fibre, which helps reduce blood sugar levels and cravings, thereby promoting weight loss and improving gut health.

Flax Seeds

Like Chia seeds, Flax Seeds are also a good source of omega-3, antioxidants and various polyphenols, which help reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease.

Mixed Seeds

All oilseeds synergistically help in improving the Absorption and availability of the nutrients present in the seeds. Hence, the mixed seeds are a good choice for anyone wanting to include healthy fats in their diet.

Halim Seeds

Halim seeds also known as Garden cress seeds contain a good amount of protein and fibre and help in feeling satiated for a longer time and avoiding hunger pangs and overeating. It is excellent to consume these seeds during lactation as it helps in the production of milk.

Sesame Seeds

Sesame seeds plays a significant role in balancing hormone and helps boost metabolism by providing essential healthy fats and curbing hunger. 

Authored By: Dt. Shaikh Sana Parveen

Clinical Dietitian, CDE

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